Jun 2016

Lotti, Berber Mare – Equines Herpes Virus EHV

Lotti is a 9 -year-old mare Berber.

Shortly after an EHV vaccine Lotti got fever, nasal – and ocular discharge.

A herpes infectionhas been diagnosed and quarantine was ordered.

There are both actived – and inactivated vaccines.

The vaccines are supposed to trigger antibody formation, but have been shown to prevent neither infection nor the resulting possible diseases.

The vaccinated animals excrete only less virus than non-vaccinated.

In the best case the risk of contracting a herpes infection is just lowered by continuous vaccination.

So you should really ask yourself why one should supposedly vaccinated against equines Herpes Virus.

A mixture of vitamins, trace elements and certain amino acids , deprive the virus breeding ground for propagation, showed excellent effects in a very short term and Lotti felt much better.