If you listen more closely, you can understand better. Different factors have a key effect on the wellbeing of your animal.
- Is it getting the right food?
- Is it suffering from bacteria, parasites, fungal infections or other pathogenic agents?
- Are any toxins or heavy metals stored in the body, which cannot be flushed out?
- Is the acid-base balance and thus the protective immune system irritated?
There are many possible causes for a dysbalance. Bioresonance therapy can help to trace these and treat them in a targeted manner.
It is fascinating to see how quickly noticeable changes can be achieved as a result of bioresonance therapy. Often, just small adjustments are sufficient to have a great effect. This is all possible without exposing your animal to stressful situations. That is why it is very important to me that the animal feels comfortable with me. It should be able to have a sense of wellbeing here. And, it should be happy to come back.
Naturally I am happy to come to your home, for example, if your animal doesn’t like to be transported, or if it simply prefers being in its own environment. In any case, the most important task is to restore the natural balance. After all, that is the best foundation for a healthy and happy animal life. A simple realisation, which doesn’t actually require a headstand – it is enough to be attuned to it.
Animal healthcare practitioners are concerned with naturopathy in veterinary medicine.
The objective of natural healing for animals is to detect and remove the causes for each symptom and illness.
Natural therapy observes the animal holistically and individually.
Self-healing powers are stimulated and the body’s own defences are reactivated.
The range of services offered by the animal naturopathy practice includes various natural medical procedures such as homoeopathy, bioresonance analysis and harmonisation according to Paul Schmidt.