Peppi, Bulldog – Flat Puppy Syndrome – Bioresonance & Physiotherapy
Peppi is a 3 week old english bulldog.
The breeder called me, because she had difficulties in standing and walking for a week already.
After the bioresonance analysis, the characteristic symptoms and the consultation with the veterinarian, the diagnosis was: Flat Puppy Syndrome.
In the case of a Flat Puppy Syndrome, the legs can no longer be brought under the body.
The puppies lie in breast position and only can crawl forward, while paddling with the legs.
It usually starts with the 2nd week of life and stays until about the 5th – 6th week.
The permanent lying deforms chest and joints, which can lead to further difficulties later.
In addition, breathing difficulties, constipation, skin problems caused by urine and feces, visual and nervous disorders and epileptic attacks can occur.
The exact cause is unknown, but there are some theories:
– puppies live on too hard and / or slippery floor
– gain weight too fast
– hereditary nerve functions development delay
Treatment options
First, make sure that the puppies have a soft, not slippery surface.
Physiotherapeutic support is very important.
I can only recommend Nadja Löhrer, www.tierphysio-pfotenhufe.de/.
In addition, we have tested with bioresonance analysis, which vital substances, minerals, vitamins, etc. Peppi needs, so that the nerves and the musculoskeletal system get functional again.
Peppi is doing well and no damages are retained.