Hermann, horse – insect bites /-stings – bioresonance & homeopathic remedies
Spring is here and thus the insects.
Hermann reacts to everything that flies.
Last year he was bitten so badly, that he had a heavy rash, which itched so extreme that he almost got crazy and couldn´t calm down.
This year, the owner wanted to make his life easier.
We have already built up his intestinal flora and the entire immune system over the winter.
Externally, we treat him with bug-off from calapo.com and diluted EM-original solution of naturrat.de.
Should something bite him, here are some homeopathic ideas and recommendations:
These advices should, as always, be tested individually.
Barn management and external treatment are the most important thing here.
Bee stings
Apis C200 – 1-3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes until recovery occurs
Wasps / hornet stings
Vespa crabro C200 – 1 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes until recovery occurs
Ledum C200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 15 – 20 minutes, maximum 2 doses
Silicea C200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes, maximum 3 doses
Staphysagria C 200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes until recovery occurs
Berberis vulgaris C 200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes until recovery occurs
Ants / spiders
Ledum C200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 15 – 20 minutes, maximum 2 doses
Apis C200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes until recovery occurs, maximum 3 doses
Itching, unbearable and rash
– Arsenicum album C200 or C1000 – 1 x daily for a maximum of 3 days
– Acidum formicium C30 – 1 – 2 x daily for a maximum of 3 days
– Apis C200 – 3 Globulis at intervals of 10 – 15 minutes until recovery occurs, maximum 3 doses
– Ichto Vet Sommer & Fessel Gel Heel, Belavet, Halicar Ointment