Jun 2020

HPU, horse – the next “illness” to make money?

Cryptopyrroluria - short CPU, is a metabolic disorder.
Meanwhile, this disorder is also called hemopyrrolactamuria - HPU.

This disorder was first discovered in humans and the different names
result from the measuring methods of the labs.
It is not a disease, but a metabolic disorder.

What happens in the body
The horse's immune system is considerably disturbed by vaccinations, de-worming, medication, mycotoxins, pesticides, preservatives and dyes in feed.
The liver needs vitamin B6, zinc and manganese to be able to excrete these toxins.
The intestinal flora is destroyed by antibiosis, worming, etc.
As a result, the vitamin B synthesis is disturbed and vital substances cannot be absorbed.
So the entire metabolism derailed.
Because of this metabolic derailment, there is a high loss of vitamin B6, zinc, manganese and other nutrients. These are increasingly excreted in the urine and can´t be compensated through food.

Symptoms of a metabolic disorder can be
- gastrointestinal problems such as colic, diarrhea, fecal water, flatulence
- Eczema, mallanders, sallanders, thrush
- Skin and allergy problems such as dull fur, slow change of fur, cough
- Laminitis
- Cushing, EMS, PSSM, IMM
- The reference values ​​of the vital substances in the blood are below or at the lowest limit
- not good horn formation, bone and tooth problems
- muscle problems

The main problems are the disturbance of the intestinal flora and incorrect feeding.
Therapy should therefore consist of the following factors:
- Rehabilitation of the intestinal flora
- Checking and changing the feeding
- Hay, straw, mineral feed, detoxification - everything should be individually tailored to your horse
- housing conditions
- reduce stress factors
- adequate, species-appropriate movement
- Avoid vaccinations, drugs, etc. that destroy the intestinal flora and the immune system

So CPU / HPU is not an independent disease - don't let anyone tell you,
especially not from someone who wants to sell you products in addition to an analysis of pyrrole excretion.
There is no CPU / HPU in horses - and also not in dogs.