Category Archives: Dog

Jul 2019

Poisoned by compost heap – Dog – Bioresonance & Animal Communication

Terry, a 2-year-old mixed-breed bitch, had to vomit violently shortly after she has been in the garden.

The owner called me and after I fhave communicated with the dog, I immediately
send them to the veterinary clinic.
I felt that Terry had taken something that was poisoning her.
In the veterinary clinic, they did everything they can and so the dog survived.
When she returned home, we started to find the cause of the poisoning.
The owner remembered Terry smelling moldy as she walked in and what she vomited looked like compost.
We find two important processes on compost heaps, which can be toxic to fatal to our dogs.
In compost heaps, decomposition processes take place in which toxin-producing fungi and bacteria such as 
Clostridium botulinum can be involved. These in turn make up the deadly poison botulinum toxin.
Often the coffee grounds are also emptied onto the compost heap, so the dog also could have taken an 
overdose of caffeine.
After we found out the cause and the owner turned it off immediately,
the dog was stabilized and could go home, we had a close look with the bioresonance,
what Terry would need to get back on her feet.
With a completely "dog-safe" compost heap, Terry can romp around in the garden again without worry.
Many dog ​​owners have a garden and many gardens have a compost heap - please take care and if 
something should look or feel strange, please go to the vet clinic immediately.
Jun 2019

Cytopoint – for dogs – a critical consideration

There are more and more dogs getting Cytopoint against their supposedly allergic itching

or atopic dermatitis.

After monthly costs up to EUR 160,– per injection, initially immediate itching stop,

however, after a few weeks or months started again and thus only moderate success,

I would like to take a closer look at Cytopoint.

In advance, it is important to know that an allergy is only a symptom.

A symptom of an overflowing immune system.

The reason must be found out, eliminated and put back in order,

then the alleged allergy disappears.


Cytopoint is being referred as a new wonder cure for itching, allergic dogs.

The active ingredient of Cytopoint is an antibody that is specifically targeted against a specific messenger in the body: Interleukin-31.

Interleukin-31 plays a role in inflammatory diseases such as u.a. atopic eczema, asthma, intestinal inflammation and in the sensation of itching.

With Cytopoint, the antibodies connect with IL-31 and capture the messenger so that the itching signal is interrupted and the dog stops scratching.

Cytopoint has to be injected every 4 – 8 weeks by the veterinarian, the costs amount to EUR 80 – 160, – per syringe.

Cytopoint has been authorized in 2017, there are only laboratory studies so far.

Possible side effects of Cytopoint include:

– Vomiting

– diarrhea

– urticaria

– anaphylaxis

– Facial edema

– hives/ rash

– Vasculitis


Since Cytopoint uses foreign proteins to enter the body, serious side effects can occur.

Treatment with Cytopoint is merely a symptomatic treatment.

The itching and inflammation are stopped, the reason for this is not treated.

Thus, as with so many medications, it merely tries to cover the symptoms, rather than building the immune system so that the body is healthy and does not have to react.

In addition, now ones knows what additional features the interleukin-31 still has in the body and what consequences may occur, if you turn this off in the long term.

Thus, I can only advise to find the creason of the allergies, to stop them, to rebuild the immune system, so that it is not necessary to use Cytopoint.

May 2019

Dogs – what to do against ticks?

The tick time has started again and that’s why I want to give you some wonderful remedies today.

The most important thing is that the entire immune system is built up, because not only supposed allergies etc. are prevented, but in most cases 80 – 90% of the ticks are reduced.

In addition, I can recommend the following remedies:

– Calapo bug-off dog tick spray

– Zedan SP spray

– Organic coconut oil internally and externally

– EMa Liquid by Naturrat

– Livermoss extract diluted

– CD vet black cumin oil

– Lupo San Zeckweg

– Aniforte Zeckenschild

– Ledum C30 – 2 x 3 Globules at interval of 15 – 20 minutes, if a tick has bitten


As before, all animals should always be searched for ticks.

I can only strongly advise against chemical flea and tick prophylaxis – including collars and pills -.

They consist of chemically synthesized substances and can lead to devastating side effects, such as:

– itching

– Lethargy

– Ataxia / tremor

– rashes

– Hair loss

– eczema

– Poisoning after oral intake

– tumors

In addition, according to the manufacturer, ticks can still suck in and mosquitoes sting.

I wish you a tick-free summer.


Feb 2019

Peppi, Bulldog – Flat Puppy Syndrome – Bioresonance & Physiotherapy

Peppi is a 3 week old english bulldog.

The breeder called me, because she had difficulties in standing and walking for a week already.

After the bioresonance analysis, the characteristic symptoms and the consultation with the veterinarian, the diagnosis was: Flat Puppy Syndrome.

In the case of a Flat Puppy Syndrome, the legs can no longer be brought under the body.

The puppies lie in breast position and only can crawl forward, while paddling with the legs.

It usually starts with the 2nd week of life and stays until about the 5th – 6th week.

The permanent lying deforms chest and joints, which can lead to further difficulties later.

In addition, breathing difficulties, constipation, skin problems caused by urine and feces, visual and nervous disorders and epileptic attacks can occur.

The exact cause is unknown, but there are some theories:

– puppies live on too hard and / or slippery floor

– gain weight too fast

– hereditary nerve functions development delay

Treatment options

First, make sure that the puppies have a soft, not slippery surface.

Physiotherapeutic support is very important.

I can only recommend Nadja Löhrer,

In addition, we have tested with bioresonance analysis, which vital substances, minerals, vitamins, etc. Peppi needs, so that the nerves and the musculoskeletal system get functional again.

Peppi is doing well and no damages are retained.

Jan 2019

Ringo, Chihuahua – Pancreatitis – Bioresonance

Ringo, a 9-year-old chihuahua, was diagnosed pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis can occur ou of a sudden or recurring.

Among other things, the pancreas releases digestive enzymes.

If it is inflamed, the organ can digest itself.


The signs of pancreatitis could be:

– Pain in the stomach

– vomiting – very often or constantly

– weakness

– lassitude

– eat little to none

– diarrhea

– fever

– exsiccosis


The triggers for pancreatitis can be:

– fat food

– circulatory disorders

– anesthesia

– medicines

– intestinal inflammation

– Injuries of the pancreas


The vet treats the pancreatitis symptomatically with painkillers, infusions, medications and special food. Antibiotics are rather not given.

Of course Ringo was accompanied by a veterinarian.

Parallel, we have determined with bioresonance that the villi and the intestinal flora was not in balance and the dog was completely acidified.

Once the villi do not work properly, certain substances can not be absorbed by the body.

We rebuilt the flora and the entire immune system, added all missing vital substances, so that Ringo didn´t need painkillers any more after a short time.

The owners of Ringo now make sure that nothing more can destroy its intestinal flora – such as vaccinations and antihelmintics.

Dec 2018

Breeding regulations for dogs – many Why´s? What to do, if the puppy is with you?

After a client has almost lost her puppy during the prescribed audiometric examination, I have checked out the breeding regulations for Dalmatians.

This much in advance: I’m no longer surprised that so many dogs are ill, supposedly allergic or suffer from so-called autoimmune diseases.

The entire immune system is already severely damaged in the first 8 weeks.

According to the breeding regulations, the puppies must go through the following in their first 8 weeks:

– as needed, but anthelmintics at least once before vaccination

– Vaccinations

– audiometric examination between the 6th and 7th weeks

– microtransponder implanted

Why do puppies need an anthelmintic, if they do not have any parasitic worms?

Anthelmintics can´t be given prophylactic.

Why are they not tested for parasitic worms before?

And then act?

Why do puppies have to be vaccinated?

There is no compulsory vaccination in Germany.

Many veterinarians recommend, if at all, to vaccinate after the 15th week of life.

Each vaccine includes antibiotics, so that the important intestinal flora and thus the immune system

is destroyed immediately.

Audiometric examination

The audiometric examination takes place under anesthesia.

Puppies and young dogs draw extremely much anesthetic, so the next weakening arises.

Measuring needles are pushed under the skin behind the ear and in the middle of the skull,

in addition they get headphones in the ears. This examination takes about 15 minutes.

Can one not use classical manual examination methods and only, if in the doubt, this method? microtransponders

In addition, the puppies must also be provided with a micro-transponder. So, the next, painful injury.

In summary, it means that a puppy must undergo at least one anthelmintic treatment, vaccinations, narcosis and a chip until the 6th / 7th week of life.

Thus, the immune system has been systematically destroyed from the beginning and diseases, allergies and co are almost inevitable.

What to do?

Once the puppy comes to you, you should build up the intestinal flora and the immune system.

For this there are wonderful supportive products, such as: SymbioPet & SymbioPetDog, DiaPastePro, Calapo Dog Darmfit & Immunboost … and of course good organic food.

With a bioresonance analysis, we find out exactly what your dog needs to live a happy, healthy life.

Nov 2018

Arthrosis – Dog

Arthrosis is a joint disease that is caused by signs of wear and tear in the joints and can lead to movement restrictions and pain.

In Arthrosis, the cartilage in the joint becomes increasingly roughened and thinner,

the joint can become inflamed and bony material can form.

Usually, an arthrosis begins with the dog having trouble getting up.

The getting up and the first steps are difficult, they move stiff and lame.

Once the dog is moving, many of these symptoms disappear.

If pain comes to it, a dog stresses the joints less and thereby decreases muscle mass and so muscle weakness can develop.

Often they slip on floors – a piece of carpet can help here, especially in the water- and food bowl. Continue reading

Jul 2018

Fritz, puppy – hiccup

Fritz, a dog puppy, has hiccups – sometimes several times a day.

He hicks between 15 and 20 times each hiccup period.

Hiccups occur when the diaphragm contracts involuntarily. Continue reading