Category Archives: Dog

Feb 2018

Sammi, dog – Addison’s disease – bioresonance

Sammi, 8 years old, has been suffering from diarrhea for years.

When the owner came to the veterinary clinic last time, she should take antibiotics for 8 weeks as therapy.

That was – finally – too much for the owner and they called me.

The bioresonance analysis quickly showed that the entire immune system was out of balance. Continue reading

Nov 2017

Paul, German Shepherd Mongrel – canine demodicosis

Paul, a five-year-old german shepherd dog mongrel, came to me because he scratched himself,

had hair loss and various scabs.

I asked the owner to consult a vet where my suspicion of canine demodicosis was confirmed. Demodicosis is a non-contagious infection of the skin with hair follicle mites.

Demodex mites can be found in small numbers on all dogs without causing a disease. Continue reading

Apr 2017

Lise, Mongrel Bitch – Allergy

The very best first: there are no allergies.

An allergy is a reaction of the immune system and manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, respiratory problems, conjunctivitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and general symptoms such as fatigue, fever, insomnia. Continue reading