Hans, cat – feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)???
Hans is a 7 year old cat and came to me because he was suspected dry FIP according to the vet.
That’s why I would like to take this report to write generally something about FIP, tests, cortisone treatment and infusions.
Expensive FIP lab test are hardly useful.
If viremia has already occurred, the viruses are only detectable about spinal puncture
or organ biopsy, no longer in the blood, only in case of reactivation.
The presence of corona viruses can be negative in the laboratory; a low albumin-globulin quotient can be if repeatable a sign for FIP, x-rays may show neoplastic change in the kidneys and liver, but no definite FIP diagnosis could be made.
Vomiting is not a primary symptom of dry FIP.
If the disease is already advanced, possibly with tumor formation or necrosis of the organs, there
may occur following corollary:
– Pancreas participation: Lack of splitting by enzymes
– Liver involvement: Reduced ammonia synthesis
– Renal involvement: Excessive urea
Everything ultimately leads to vomiting due to the lack of detoxification.
Symptoms with renal involvement: Polydipsia, Poliurie, emaciation (despite hunger) and vomiting, hair loss; all blood tests including kidney values otherwise unremarkable, Glucose and fructosamine too low.
Symptoms of kidney and liver involvement: emaciation, very strong cravings, dehydration, vomiting for days until the vomiting of bile, followed or alternating with diarrhea / constipation; no fur loss; Deposits in the area of the iris transition to the pupil in the left eye, possibly loss of vision eye; all blood levels may otherwise be inconspicuous, only hypokalemia, glucose and fructosamine too low.
FIP may be so complex in its consequences that it never could be confirmed or ruled out for 100%.
Whether FIP or not is important to support the respective organ function and stabilize the quality of life.
In cases of suspected FIP please don´t get new cats into the house and support the immune system of the ones already existing.
If the cat must be treated with cortisone, there are a few things that make processing the body more easily:
The body’s cortisol production in cats is strongest between 20:00 – 22:00 h,
Cats are crepuscular.
Therfore it is advisable to give cortisone at this time.
Cats tolerate subcutaneous infusions very good if they are already dehydrated.
Then they really revive. NaCl burns a lot, when no hypercalcemia is present, hand warm Ringer’s solution or possibly Ringerlactat solution is more appropriate.
Hans, supported by many naturopathic remedies, enjoys his life since 3 years in excellent health.